Dzięki Nanuś. Tak jak pisałam w pokoiku GAW, martwiłam się, że RosDeidre wycofała ze swojego forum kolejną serię Gravity - "Back to Serve the Universe". Nie znałam tej części ale przy rozmowie na temat pochodzenia Marco i wcześniejszej rozmowy z Hotaru - jej cytat "...bez lektury BTSU nie zrozumiemy do końca GAW i dlaczego zdrada Marca i Tess w HTDC miała takie kluczowe znaczenie dla wojny..." nabrał w mojej wyobraźni rozmiaru wspaniałego ciastka którego nie będziemy mogli skosztować. Jakby umknęło nam coś bardzo cennego. Zmartwiona napisałam więc do RosDeidre i po jej zgodzie na opublikowanie na naszym forum, cytuję co napisała - bo właściwie napisała do nas wszystkich:
Hi, Ela:
Well the news is good and bad.

First, you know I stopped writing BTSU and told all my readers that I wasn't going to finish it, and posted the story summary outline. So the bad news is this--there's only seven or eight existing chapters, which are on my site at The better news (grin) is that the reason I deleted that thread is because I'm currently shopping my first novel to publishers and we're getting terrific responses. I am in the process of creating a proposal for a three book original series to a particular editor, and my hope is to write a three book time travel series that especially includes many elements from the way BTSU was going to play out. That had become so original, that I honestly felt I was wasting an opportunity to only use it for fanfic. So that's the truth--I hope to get it published and from the way things are going, I think it's quite probable I'll at least have a publishing deal on my first two novels (that ARENT based on Gravity series) by year's end!!

I'm counting on you guys to be some of my very first readers! Also, we have a Polish agent, and he's going to shop my new novel in Poland. So it's all good... sort of.

You guys are the best. I haven't been to visit lately, and I'm sorry. Have I missed anything?
big hugs, Deidre
A dzisiaj otrzymałam od niej króciutkie wprowadzenie w swój książkowy świat Gravity
ABsolutely! And honestly? I am hoping that this week I will have my full proposal into the editor who is waiting on it.

I have spent all day today--partly motivated and inspired by YOU--working on it. The names will all be different. "Max" is now a very different character (nobody be sad! He's still wonderful!) Marco--since he is original to me--will still be Marco McKinley. The Liz character becomes a feisty redhead. I can't wait to tell you guys more, but want to sell the series first. I'm actually combining parts of ANTARIAN SKY... if you can, kind of imagine a world where HTDC ends with Max disappearing, and then you flash forward six years to the "Liz" character owning an art gallery, having always kept this letter from Marco, and having always grieved the loss of her lover... and then this stranger comes to town. Then imagine that whole world being righted, then cutting to GRAVITY world (not at college, in adulthood). Oh, and imagine HTDC taking place in college, not highschool. And imagine that they had a much earlier, brief encounter that she never forgot...
Does this all make sense? So it's a four book series idea... You guys can start my fan club! You are all too wonderful. You've inspired me more times than you know. Bless you!
Love, D
Tak po cichutku, od jakiegoś czasu wiedzieliśmy że RosDeidre szykuje się do wydania Gravity i bardzo nas to cieszyło, patronowaliśmy jej w duchu i trzymaliśmy palce żeby się powiodło. Bardzo się cieszę

, możemy teraz jej gratulować, otwierać szampana,

cieszyć się i być dumni że mieliśmy okazję poznać jej utwory i kogoś tak wspaniałego, pełnego ciepła, autorkę dzięki której serial żyje w naszej wyobraźni.

Bo przeciez pisze dla wszystkich. Każdy, Dreamerki, Candy czy Polarki znajdzie w jej twórczości coś dla siebie. Jest wszechstronna lubi szokować zaskakiwac a przede wszystkim zachwycać.
Fanklub ma na celu także promowanie jej książki na terenie naszego kraju.
Congratulations and big hugs, RosDeidre. We wish you many successes.